Monday, November 04, 2019

Hermine Carp - Woman of the World

Bernardo and Hermine on Capri, where they met.
My sister Barbara wrote a book about our great-grandmother Hermine Carp (1861-1935), who married Bernardo De Ferrante (1861-1899) in 1891. She and Bernardo got five children and a large number of grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and so forth. By clicking on the title of the book, you can read it: Hermine Carp, Woman of the world.

Mia sorella Barbara scrisse un libro sulla nostra bisnonna Hermine Carp (1861-1935), che sposò Bernardo De Ferrante (1861-1899) nel 1891. Lei e Bernardo ebbero cinque figli e un gran numero di nipoti, pronipoti, eccetera. Cliccando sul titolo del libro, puoi leggerlo: Hermine Carp, Woman of the world.

Ma soeur Barbara a écrit un livre sur notre arrière-grand-mère Hermine Carp (1861-1935), mariée à Bernardo De Ferrante (1861-1899) en 1891. Elle et Bernardo eurent cinq enfants et un grand nombre de petits-enfants, arrière-petits-enfants, etc. En cliquant sur le titre du livre, vous pourrez le lire: Hermine Carp, Woman of the world.

The five kids of Hermine and Bernardo De Ferrante


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